Saturday, July 22, 2006

Makeover Day


Jessica and Faith were looking a little scraggly, so I took them in for haircuts yesterday. Jessica went for a whole new look, and cut over seven inches off the length of her hair.

Here she is halfway through the first cutting stage before the layers were started. The hairdresser and I were teasing her about going with the half-long, half-cut look for a week to see what she liked better.

Apparently the younger kids were greatly entertained by the idea of Faith getting her hair washed. Who knew shampoo could be so cool??


The stylist curled up Jessica's hair to show her how to add the flips to it, which meant Faith had to have hers curled a bit too. This is the two of them looking trimmed and pretty.

I love these two shots that I caught of Jessica playing with her hair in the mirror. She has been doing this since we got home yesterday. She loves the way it looks and feels, and so do I. Now we need to get her some curling irons and hair schtuff to keep her looking sassy!


Anonymous said...

The girls look just gorgeous! Shall we get them signed up to be print/catalog/fashion models & actresses yet?

Love and miss you all!


Kara said...

jen!! your girls are BEAUTIFUL!! i can't wait to meet them!
jess and faith both have sassy good looks! watch out boys! :P

Anonymous said...

your girls look beautiful - they will look awesome for their first day of school! also love the jewelry and the new LOs you have posted!

take care and hope all is well!

Anonymous said...

Tell the girls I think they look gorgeous. Have Jess send me an e-mail or give me a call.


Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested