Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Making News

Well, just about everybody in my family was in the paper yesterday in one way or another. Matt is on the far left in this one as Lesly's escort in the Miss Merry Christmas Program. I didn't get to be there to take my own pictures, so I was glad to see this. If anybody was there and has pictures you would be willing to share, I would really appreciate it!


Todd was featured with the other kids who won ribbons for their artwork in the "Make Your Life a Work of Art" contest. (top right photo, he is second row, second from right)

My mom made it in the paper. That is her and Beth on the right side of the table, and on the left you can see Chet, Tyler, and Faith's nose.

Jack even made it in the paper. We forgot that the car's registration was due earlier than the truck's this year because there was a paperwork delay last year. We went and got that taken care of quickly! After the initial warning was given, Jack and the officer sat there chit-chatting for quite a while. Small towns are just really cool that way.

Kyle and I haven't done anything newsworthy this month. We're slackers. Maybe we can get some credit for being at the chili dinner even if we weren't in the picture. He ate one of those candy canes the lady is holding. Does that count?




Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on an old post. My heart broke as I read your words. I had to stop by check out your blog and Chet's too.

Hope it's okay that I prayed for him and your family this morning :)

God's blessings,


Melissa H. said...

I love small town news! Apparently my name made it to the front of the weekend paper, something about my new job...I haven't seen it yet!