Christmas Pageantry
I always hoped that one day the years I spent in drama classes would pay off in some way. Heaven knows I wasn't cut out to be a movie star, or a TV star, or even a voiceover for a commercial, but there are valuable skills that can be learned in a drama class. Unlike a couple of my friends who have since launched themselves from our little junior high school drama classes to the real world of dramatized productions, I buried the things I learned in some back corner of my brain and have spent the last month trying to dig little nuggets of important information out of there to use with the Christmas play the kids of the Children's Ministry were preparing for the church.
I don't think the drama classes covered everything I would need to know, though. I learned how to lipsync to Bon Jovi as I pretended to be Richie Sambora, but I was never taught how to wrangle 20 active young children into a semblance of calm chaos for all the watching eyes of the church. Maybe it is a good thing that I didn't know what to expect, because these kids blew all my expectations away. They were so good... so eager to perform, so happy to be there, and so sweet to watch. I wish you all could have been there. (I have all of my pictures from the play on my Facebook account. If you can't see them there and want a copy of your kid's picture, just holler at me and I will send it your way!)Faith was Mary. A little over eleven years ago I was wearing this costume as she performed in her first production as a newborn Baby Jesus. I didn't hold her the way she held her Baby Jesus, though. Aren't you glad you aren't her Baby Jesus?? She sang "Breath of Heaven" in the play. I have found the remote control, and will have AAA batteries for it tomorrow. Then I will add that video here.
Bethy was one of the sheep (she didn't want to be an angel.... hahahahaha... go figure). Those sheep were simply adorable. Adorable. I wish you could hear them baaaa-ing on the tape. They had more fun than any other sheep ever had.
Todd was King Herod.
And Kyle was his priest who told him when the wisemen said Jesus had been born. This is Todd sentencing all the two year old boys and younger to death. I have to show you that part too. He said "I the great Herod" three of four times, and it was funny. He even laughed at it. I love that silly kid. I love that priest too. And that sheep. And that baby-hanging Mary. Meghan, Nathan and Crystal's little girl, was the Young Jesus who was supposed to flee to Egypt. Instead she stood in the front and told her nana she could see her. It was wonderful!
Sad times came after the play. Mom had to kiss us all good-bye, and then Jack and a couple of the kids took her to the airport to return home. My composure cracked, and even I got teary and sad as she said good-bye, so I can't blame the Great Herod and his sorrowful priest for being heart-broken too.
Bye, Mom. We love you.
But we forgot to take your picture with the kids. Could you get on the first plane back so we can take care of that?
Yes, I'll make that plane reservation as soon as possible! I love coming out to visit and the having to leave again is the hardest part of the trip. (I know what you'll say...don't leave! I almost didn't.)
Hugs and love to you all...
Great job with the kids! The Christmas play was great!!
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