Sunday, January 01, 2006

A New Look

I spent hours last night fiddling with my blog to give it a make-over. There are still some things I am trying to figure out, but it is shaping up!

I was blog-surfing and saw this on some sites. You go to google, and type in your name plus wants, and then your name plus needs and see what comes up. Some of the ones I have seen are hilarious, so I decided to try it.

Here are the "Jennifer wants"
*Jennifer wants to get into the Betty Ford Clinic so that she can meet a rich drunk,
*Jennifer wants to make sure the family earns enough money, which is worth 500
*Jennifer wants to know why you started to write about animals?
*Jennifer Wants to play the Spanish Guitar.
*Luke offers her riches but Jennifer wants Luke. Luke suggests that Jennifer get
a dog if she's lonely.
*Jennifer wants to show the big boys that they will still have fun if they play
with her,

And here are the "Jennifer needs"
*Jennifer needs a cold shower.
*Jennifer needs a smack daddy
*Jennifer needs the earth energy in her life to learn how to ground and be more

A lot of Jennifer Lopez and Jennifer Aniston came up when I did my google search... uughhh. I thought some of the others I found were pretty funny though!

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