Monday, November 14, 2005

Letters from Home

So I got up this morning and checked my email, and found this little note from Matt. He and Chet woke up early this morning to play their online Stars Wars game before we started school. I heard him giggling, and I am guessing this is why... LOL I thought his attempt at being evil was pretty funny.


Why dont you go back to Endor you hairy Wookie Wait a minute Wookies dont live on Endor so go back to Kashyyk you hairy wookie.You shot my car with your stupid crossbow lazer gun,and you ate my Dog so go back and scrapbook with your wookie friends like Gaylebacca , Morandful.

Darth Matt

Ps and you ate my Tie fighter

Could a mother ask for a more loving son????


Sue said...

LOL Jenn :0) I have no clue about Star Wars but what a cute thing for him to write :)

Anonymous said...

LOL!! That was enjoyable!!