Just another manic Monday! whoa-oh-oh
I got home from San Jose yesterday and spent the afternoon with the kids. I took this picture as I was getting out of the car when they dropped me off at the airport on Wednesday. As you can tell, most of them aren't too thrilled about me leaving on show weeks. This weekend I was traveling with Katherine and Gayle, and those are the funnest trips for me. Before set-up on Thursday, we went to the Winchester Mystery House and that was fun. I don't mind going back to places like this, and it was Katherine's and Gayle's and Sharla's first time there. Katherine has much better pictures that she will probably post on her blog, but I caught this one of Gayle that we really liked.
On the first day of the show, I heard "Hey lady, I love your boots" and turned around to find my friend Kathy there. I was so glad she and Kimberly got to come by and say hi, and we all had lunch together. A trip to Northern CA doesn't feel right if I don't get to see her. I never got to catch up with my in-laws while I was there because I forgot my computer in the car and didn't have any numbers with me. We'll all be up there soon, though, so we can catch up that way! I had to play with this shot to make it light enough to see, so it also looks a bit fuzzy now, but I thought it was funny. Todd and Kyle were making faces at each other all the way home from dropping Jack off at work yesterday.
I came home so tired yesterday. I was up late with Katherine and Gayle (loved just hanging out and chatting!), then up really early so Sharla and I could catch our flights home. Sharla probably thought I was a nutcase yesterday morning because I was so gabby... LOL. I think it is all nerves. There is so much to do this week to get ready for Arkansas, and my stomach is in knots with all the uncertainties about what might happen next week. We can't wait to see Jessica, but I am anxious about other things. Please just say a little prayer for us that everything will go smoothly, no matter what happens.
Today I have to get some grocery shopping done, run some errands, and then I am working on Jessica's album. I bought a gatefold album for this project, and I am so excited to get started on it. I will post it when I am done with it, tearstains and all.
I can't wait to see Jess's album. I will pray for you all and I just know that all will go well. Jessica is just as excited and anxious as you too. Everything will be fine. Our love, thoughts and prayers are with you.
Love you all
Jenn, I don't think you are a nutcase, I promise! I am a much better listener than a talker, so believe me it is all good.
Thanks for suggesting we go see the Winchester Mystery Mansion, it was awesome! I bought the book about it, and can't wait to read more about it. Very interesting!
Make sure to post Jessica's album, and let us know how your trip to Arkansas goes. I am wishing your family my best.
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