Sunday, January 18, 2009

50 Things in 2009

I don't make resolutions, but every once in a while I don't mind making a list of things I would like to do. I saw lists of 100 things people wanted to do this year on other blogs and thought I would make one myself . One of the things I want to do is clear more time in my life to keep up with everything. However, time is really tight right now so I am making a list of 50 things. In no particular order, except for the first one, here is my Top 50.

1. Hear the words "Chet is cured."

2. Have more free time.

3. Go on the mission trip with Matt and Chet.

4. Finish remodeling the house.

5. Have friends over more often.

6. Read one book a week. (I am already three books behind on that one.)

7. Finish a Project 365 album.

8. Get a new camera.

9. Get awesome lenses for the new camera.

10. Significantly increase my digi designing goals.

11. Get red and blond streaks in my hair.

12. Put pictures in all my frames.

13. Love on Jesse and Sam's baby.

14. Take the kids out somewhere fun once a month.

15. Did I mention get Chet cured?

16. Build a platform for my blogs to live together on.

17. Finish building my 4th Day blog and post on it regularly.

18. Work at an Emmaus Walk or Chrysalis Flight. Or both.

19. Grow a really good garden.

20. Add once-a-month cooking to my routine again.

21. Teach the kids at church some of the hymns.

22. Leave this depression behind me for good.

23. Build Chet a large garden chessboard.

24. Get my 2008 Christmas cards mailed out before June.

25. Attend the digi-scrap gathering.

26. Go line-dancing.

27. Lose at least 50 pounds.

28. Workout at least three times a week and walk at least a mile the other days.

29. Go out with Jack regularly.

30. Have more Girls' Night Out nights.

31. Go away for a weekend for fun, not for medical tests.

32. Make jewelry again.

33. Try not to sob like a baby on Beth's first day of school.

34. Try not to cry anymore this year for any reason.

35. Unless Chet gets cured.

36. Then you all better cry with me.

37. Laugh everyday.

38. Get Matt driving.

39. Get all dance recitals, school events, performances, and funny family game night things on video.

40. Keep track of all the funny things the kids do so they can read about it later.

41. Get my wisdom teeth removed in a painless and convenient way. I am sure that exists somehow.

42. Travel somewhere, anywhere again and see the local sights.

43. Have a "Chet is Cured" party.

44. Raise money for St. Jude.

45. Figure out how to make Chili's Southwest Eggrolls at home.

46. Do not allow myself to indulge in too many of the Southwest Eggrolls at once.

47. Get a Kindle.

48. Load the Kindle with all kinds of literary goodness.

49. Read all the literary goodness on the Kindle.

50. Enter the hoto pcontest in the fair.

There are at least 50 more I would add, but I do have to go. There is a really big, delicioso Hispanic meal being prepared at the church that we cannot miss. If you are the in area, come join us!

1 comment:

Melissa H. said...

So after reading this Ive decided we have a lot in common...